Dolphin Rider – Celebrating all Girls who become scientists

Haiku for V. Harveyi

Dolphin Rider,
spills flask of bioluminescent

Dr. JeM YinJoy

How to pronounce Vibrio harveyi.

Vibrio harveyi (Vih-Bree-Oh Harv-ee-eye)

The Spiritual significance

Vibrio harveyi is a close cousin to the other Vibrio discussed in this guidebook, Vibrio fischeri. Like V. fischeri, V. harveyi is bioluminescent and creates a “glow in the dark” effect in the sea creatures it inhabits. But unlike its close cousin, V. harveyi is not in kindly symbiosis with sea creatures it invades.
Instead, V. harveyi sickens its hosts and kills them. V. harveyi is able to communicate with its sister cells when amassed in large numbers, just like its cousin. And V. harveyi does create a beautiful “milky seas” effect that can be seen from space, when it occupies oceanic alga.
The difference between V. harveyi and its kindly close cousin, could be a matter of a few stretches of genes on its genome. Microbiologists are busily getting the entire genome of V. harveyi translated to figure out how to use its talents for good, and repress its present tendency to adversely affect aquaculture.
The lessons of V. harveyi are these. Do not get seduce by a beautiful fake.
And, communication tools can be wielded for good and for evil, especially when a wider audience is involved.

The Microbiology

V. harveyi is a natural inhabitant of seawater, though it has been documented mainly in the tropics. Unlike its close relative ”Vibrio fischeri” it is free-living and does not form symbiotic relationships, but is a common pathogen to many marine organisms. V. harveyi is curved rod shaped, Gram-negative, and monotrichous (mobilized by a single polar flagellum).
One thing that this bacterium is used for is for its bioluminescent genes. Like many other bioluminescent bacteria its genome has been mapped, and so we know what genes cause it to be bioluminescent and how the proteins work. Basically it works via an enzyme called luciferase, which causes the oxidation of a pigment called luciferin, which gives off a blueish light.
The interspecial communication skills of Vibrio harveyi have major effects on the way the bacteria interact with the environment, whether it is luminescing, becoming virulent, or excreting nucleases for defense. Even though V. harveyi does not form symbiotic relationships, there is one well documented example of a relationship with another microorganism causing a phenomenon known as the Milky Sea effect.

Women in Science

In case you are not aware of some of the obstacles women face, in tackling science careers, here are a few samples.

The Nasa Scientist who wore a T-shirt displaying porn pics of women: (and showing the world that casual sexism in science is thriving).


The Nobel Prize Winning Scientist who said women are too distracting to be in the lab.


This Dolphin Rider represents girls everywhere who dream of science careers. Whether it is diving into ocean depths, or flying to the stars, you go girls!

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