Mother Earth Nourishment for Mother’s Day

Mother's Milk

As babies in their mother’s womb rely on their mother for support, so we too rely on the Mother for supporting our feet as we tread and skip and dance over her.

As babies rely on their mother’s womb for their sole source of nutrition, we too rely on the Mother for our source of food, from the plants that we harvest and the animals that feed on these plants, grown by the light of the sun.

As babies rely on their mother’s blood stream for hydration and oxygen, we too rely on the Mother’s “blood stream” as rivers, tributaries, creeks, and ponds and the great ocean for hydration and we rely on the atmosphere that is created by her water cycle for our life-giving breaths of oxygen.

As a baby is connected to its mother umbilically, we are connected to the Earth. What affects her affects us, we kick, she hurts, she takes in toxins, and we are poisoned too when they enter our blood stream from hers (the waterways).

When I was working with my physical teachers, they taught me that as healers and shamanic practitioners, their own bodies would reflect ills that had befallen Mother Earth.

As they healed themselves so their own healing practices would resonate alleviating some of Mother Earth’s burden.

By rebalancing our emotions, physical bodies, our mental and physical states of being, we contribute to rebalancing our Mother Earth.

Here’s a video on how our mother’s breast milk contributed to our healthy gut microbes.

Click on Mother’s Milk, for video.

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