Workshop: “How to become a Microbe Whisperer”

Conduct Your Readings from Within the Microbial World

How is the world experienced by a microbial cell? And, as miniscule single cells enclosed by a phospholipid membrane, how do they eat, move, reproduce, and contribute to healing Mother Earth?

To truly understand the point of view of the microbial medicine guides, I invite you to conduct this meditation. It can be done immediately prior to the readings that you do.

Microbe Whisperer Meditation

Imagine for a moment that you are stepping into a human-sized microbial membrane. The membrane is solid enough to maintain its shape, even if it wobbles a little like jelly as you step into it like you would into a human-sized ziplock bag.

Suspend any concerns for the moment that you might not be able to breathe, because this imaginary ziplock bag will take on the characteristics of a bacterial membrane, and you’ll be fine.

Now that you are in the bag, zip it shut.

Imagine you are being lifted gently into a gargantuan lake, filled with fresh water.

You sink into the water, and you and the membrane around you shrink to the size of a microbial cell, which is 1-2 microns in size, tinier than a dust mote, tinier than a blood cell. Now the membrane becomes your gatekeeper, permeable to the nutrients you need to take in or the oxygen you have to use for your metabolism. Now you no longer rely on lungs to breathe, you no longer have blood to transport oxygen and nutrients but instead your molecules mill about in a liquid called a “cytoplasm.”

If someone were to pass this lake that you are floating in, they would never see you in that now microbial-sized ziplock bag, because this lake would be the size of a water droplet shivering on a leaf.

Inside the microbe-sized membrane, your DNA is a floating circlet of base pairs, which become messenger RNA which is translated to the enzymes that you need for nutrition. Your teeth and mouth and digestive tract have been replaced by these enzymes, which break down the organic nutrients that your membrane has allowed to pass through.

Instead of breathing oxygen with your blood and lungs, these melt away and you see that oxygen molecules are being used more directly as glucose and other carbon molecules are being shuttled through a glycolytic cycle, making energy (called ATP) , which is grabbed as soon as it’s made to fuel your cellular engines.

Do not worry about drowning in waste products, because your waste is simply water and carbon dioxide, with the carbon dioxide being released as gas through the membrane encasing you.

Depending on whether you like acidic or basic environments (those with low or high pH) or whether you like it cold or hot, or whether or not you need to have a competitive advantage over the other bacteria around you, your DNA will also code for special components to help you cope with these situations.

And there you float, within that droplet on the shivering leaf, until you realize that you are equipped with a little tail, a flagellum, which you can switch on, like the off-board motor on a sail boat. And with your motorized “tail” you move towards that layer of organic matter smeared upon a section of leaf that seems just out of reach. And it is time to ingest that organic matter and make energy again, this time for dividing into two more of you, as the cycle of life continues.

End Meditation

This is the world of the microbe, and their whispers of wisdom are best heard when you meditate yourself into their milieu.

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